Inside Wireman Qualifications
ID: Must show a current valid driver’s license at time of application
Age: Must be at least 17 years of age to apply but 18 to become indentured.
Education: Must have a High School Diploma or have a G.E.D. certificate.
Math: Must have completed one credit of algebra with a C or better.
Transcripts: Official High school transcripts, or GED with scores. All supporting documentation must be submitted at the time of application to the apprenticeship office.
Aptitude Test: Qualified persons are required to take a scheduled aptitude test.
Oral Interview: Minimum requirements must be met to qualify for an oral interview.
Residency: Must reside in the normal labor market
Fees: Processing fee of $20.00 required.
Health: Health condition must be suitable to perform tasks in the industry. A physical and drug test will be required by those working under the Apprenticeship Program.
Experience (not a requirement)
Individuals who can verify, by providing undisputable documentation that they have worked a minimum of four thousand (4,000) hours specifically in the electrical construction trade, will qualify for an oral interview.
Apprentices are responsible for book fees and must work at least five years as a Journeyman once they have completed the apprenticeship program.
Applications Taken Daily (closed Holidays)
Monday – Friday
8:30am –11:30pm and 1:00pm – 4:00pm
No Applications accepted in July or August
Apply online or in our office.